Update, so you all don’t worry.

This morning Monkey did not start whining until we were in the building and did not escalate to tears until we were in the classroom. We set Monkey up at the sink with some water and bubbles and we left him, still crying, with his teacher and his friend R. By the time we walked up the ramp and got to the vehicle one of the aides came out to let us know that he had stopped crying and was fine. That is a very good sign. Yesterday he cried for about 10 minutes after we left.

Hopefully he has a better day today and we can regroup over the weekend.

School update.

Things are not going very well right now in the school department. Monkey has been having all out meltdown fits in the mornings lately. It started with some whimpering and now it’s full out crying with snot flying everywhere fits. We’re completely wrung out. We have a game plan we’re going to work with the teacher to follow. It has to get better.

Fragile X sucks.

Lunch Time

 Every Tuesday Monkey gets out of school before lunch so we come home and have lunch. Like the past several weeks we walked in and walked into the pantry and I proceeded to ask him what he’d like to eat for lunch. Usually he just takes off and goes to play with some toys while I figure out what to have. Today it was a bit different though.

He came over to where I was standing and started pointing upwards. I picked him up and he was pointing in the direction of the crackers.  I got him in front of the crackers and he started pointing to the left hand side of that shelf.  I moved him to the left and he put his finger on the peanut butter.  I put him down and asked if he wanted peanut butter and he pointed towards the crackers again. I picked him up and we went through the same steps and ended up at the PB again.

Monkey boy told me he wanted PB so that’s what he got for lunch!