Monkey continues his troublesome ways.

We could be in real trouble with this boy.  He has always been a flirt, he comes by that honestly, Duhdee, in his single days, was a notorious flirt.  He made his living by flirting really, he was a bartender. 

So I shouldn’t be surprised that Monday’s report from his teacher was that he had a great day and that he was being very flirty but good grief!  He is an adorable little guy with curly hair and those cheeks!  We’ve been told many times that he looks like a little cherub. 

So good looks, coupled with this propensity for flirting with every little girl (and some not so little girls!) can mean only one thing.  Ladies, lock up your little girls!  Don’t say you weren’t warned.

So, I wasn’t really lying…

I am back.  I’m just struggling to get back into a routine of any sort!  I spent all of last week working and complaining that I was just so tired and, really, it doesn’t get much more interesting than that now does it?  Finally, I smartened up and decided to take a day off!  Sheer genius at work here.  So on Friday I very purposefully did not go to work but I had to turn my out of office assistant on so I logged in remotely and…2 hours got sucked away.  Wooosh!  See what I’m saying about the genius thing?

Since prying myself away from my laptop mid-Friday morning, I’ve been trying very, very hard to remain away.  We had quite a lot of fun on Friday as a result.  There was lots of laughing and tickling and chasing.  Then Monkey came home from school.   Ha!  I’m kidding!  Anyway.

We’ve had a lot of good ‘ole clean family fun since Friday but I had to go back to work this morning so I guess my standoff with my laptop is over.  I’ve got my feet up on the coffee table, I bribed Duhdee to walk the dogs for me and I’m all settled in…now to go see what everyone else has been up to!

I’m baaaack!

Last week is officially the week that wasn’t.  Holy moly.  I worked 41 hours of overtime last week alone. 

I have to say, I feel totally lucky to have two such fantastic men in my life.  Monkey handled a very tough week like a champ!  I only got to see him for about 30 minutes each morning as we got ready for school/work but he held it together and did really well.  I think I cried about it more than he did. 

Duhdee was also a superstar.  He did everything last week.  I worked and slept.  Anything else that happened like dog walking, playing, cooking, cleaning, bathing (well, I did bath myself) was done by my amazing husband. 

We’re still bone tired, I’m hoping to take a day off this week (that’s already 1/2 over!) and just sleep for the 6 hours Monkey is at pre-school.  Maybe then I can come up with two functioning brain cells.