PTSD much?

This afternoon Duhdee and I will be attending an IEP meeting.  Well, actually, it’s what everyone else would call a parent/teacher conference but we live in a special world where everything is governed by our IEP and federal law.  Awesome. 

So, a parent/teacher conference, no big deal!  Right?  Right.  So why do I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach?  We haven’t even started kindergarten and I’m already shell-shocked by the entire IEP experience/process. 

This should be fine.  We’ve read the progress notes, he’s doing GREAT!  He’s a magic little being who charms (and manipulates, in a charming fashion, of course) everyone he works with.   Even knowing what we should hear at the meeting still leaves me flashing back to that meeting two years ago when we heard all the same things only to be told 3 months later that none of it was exactly true and whatever was true didn’t matter…no one could handle him or be expected to handle him. 

*Sigh*  I’m going to go buy some cookies and show up with a smile…hopefully I manage to get there without throwing up.  It’s all going to be fine, I wish I could convince myself of that though.

Grammy has good timing!

I spent 4 hours yesterday doing photo editing.  

Christmas fun!

Music to my ears…

Every word I hear from Monkey is music to my ears…but you know how annoying ear worms are?  🙂  But, no, I’m still not complaining, right?

Monkey has been in the “Mama” phase for a while.  He will chant “Umma, Umma, Ummai, Ummai, Ummy, Ummy, Umma, Umma, Umma” on a regular basis to get my attention.  Umma’s response, eventually, is “WHAT?”  Sometimes he has a legitimate reason, he’ll ask for help or something.  Sometimes he has either no reason to attract my attention other than just wanting my attention (which I guess, for a 5 year old, is a reason) or he has forgotten by the time I respond, it’s hard telling.

Anyway, he has recently started to skip the whole “Umma, Umma, Umma” bit and skip to “What! What! WHAT!” until I respond “What??”  His response varies according to the same pattern above.  I feel like I’ve said this all before but I can’t find the post…maybe I’ve just been telling too many people… Anyway.

On Christmas day I got a chance to get even without even trying to do so.  We were visiting at my parents house and after all the presents were unwrapped I pulled out the camera (yes, I pulled it out AFTER we opened presents…brilliant) to show my Mom and Sister the photos from earlier in the day.   As we were going through them I got to a bunch of photos that looked like they were taken by a 5 year old because, well, they were.  Monkey loves the digital camera and has begun taking tons of photos any time we leave the camera within reach.  So, I start saying “Monkey, Monkey, Monkey, Monkey, Monkey…” approximately 40 times.  Suddenly I hear, from the living room “WHAT??”  We look over and see a very annoyed looking Monkey glaring at us.   He was not impressed when I had no good reason for saying his name so many times.  Haha!  Revenge is sweet!