Nothing is official but…

it appears that a new integrated kindergarten classroom is not off the table.  There is one classroom included in the proposed budget for next year…one…for the entire city.  There will be 5 6 slots for kids on IEPs and they are intending to fill only 4 5 of them so that there will be space available if a child needs to drop back from a mainstreamed classroom.  Currently, Monkey is slated for one of the slots!   *squee!*

Since the budget still needs to get through the school committee I think I need to write some e-mails of support…

Just in case you missed it on facebook…

last night while I was playing the Wii…Monkey decided it was his turn and he SAID HIS OWN NAME!  I was very close to tears, I’m so damned excited about this!  At bed time he asked me to lay down with him and I did so.  I was still so excited that I made him say it a half dozen more times, lol.  Finally, he told me “Night!” very firmly and I let him be.  Sometimes he’s way more mature than I am, lol.

The Wii has been such an amazing learning tool.  I had hoped it would be good for hand-eye coordination and helping him with balance but it’s actually become a huge language tool.  He has learned so many different words using it and he’s generalizing too.  Obviously, his name is the most exciting so far but another that cracks me up is “Turn around.”  He learned this using a bike riding game and he’s also used it in the mornings on the way to school.   “Dee, Dee….turnaround?  Home?  Dogs?”

Pen-guin egg crrrack!

Monkey looooves penguins, it started with The Penguins of Madagascar.  He thinks the show is HILARIOUS (and so do I, I love King Julian!)  For the longest time he would request the show by saying “Pens?”

They’ve started a unit at school that is feeding Monkey’s love of penguins now and within the last week he has moved from “pens?”  to “pen-guin.”  Each time he said it this weekend the two syllables moved closer and closer together until he perfected the word.  I was amazed at the progress.  I guess it goes to show how very well he learns when he is MOTIVATED to do so, lol.

I hope his teacher enjoys hearing how much progress he made over the weekend as much as I did.  If she’s lucky, the darn penguin egg will hatch and we’ll be able to get him to say something, ANYTHING, besides “Penguin egg crrrrack” by the end of this week.