Countdown to Dryness 2009* – Night 4

Last night Monkey put himself to bed a half hour early.  That, coupled with the fact that he woke up around 10:30 requesting a glass of water, drank it and then asked for more, did not bode well for his efforts to stay dry for 7 consecutive nights but HE DID IT!  He woke me up at 6:45 (which is also 45 minutes late for him) and we went straight to the potty ((Ok, OK, I rolled around and whined about how early it was for about 5 seconds before we went to the potty…I am never going to be a morning person.)).  I am very impressed.

The other, massively important, aspect of potty training is at a dead standstill.  He’s gone twice in his pants each day this weekend.  The potty training specialist keeps saying we need to get him to sit for 5-10 minutes after each meal.  The only time this kid sits still for that long is when he’s eating.  We are not eating in the bathroom!  We’ve tried the sticker charts, we’ve tried really fun toys, we’ve tried books, we’ve begged, we’ve bribed…nothing will entice him to sit there.

I really just don’t know what to do.  He knows when he has to go, it bothers him enough that he tells us as soon as he’s done so we can clean it up, but he still just keeps going in his pants.

*Thanks Holly’s Mom for the snazzy name.

5 thoughts on “Countdown to Dryness 2009* – Night 4

  • February 23, 2009 at 9:19 am

    I know you are on the latter stages of potty training but you still have to be patient. You just have to keep pestering him and reminding him to sit on the potty. You will eventually succeed.

  • February 23, 2009 at 10:33 am

    Ryan didn’t potty train until he was 8 years old. I thought he would NEVER get it. Then all of the sudden, he just DID. Don’t be discouraged….every little step is a step in the right direction. Waking up dry is a GREAT step. And what I did with Ryan is I would just hang in the bathroom with him. While he sat on the potty, I would clean….and I would tell him he could get off the potty as soon as he went and he could HELP me. This worked great for him because he loved to help me clean (back then). LOL. You’ll find what works well for you and Monkey. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!

  • February 23, 2009 at 11:14 am

    Oh, great! Now I have Dory signing in my head :-p

    This morning on the way in to work I thought of a great bribe…err…reward. We’ve spent a LOT of time in the basement this past week cleaning and organizing. Monkey LOVES going downstairs. He asks to go downstairs constantly. I think that is going to be the next reward to get him to sit….seems so evil but whatever it takes to end the stream of poopy SpongeBobs!

  • February 23, 2009 at 11:16 am

    Grammy…patience and Duhdee don’t exactly mix in this situation, lol. We’re trying very hard to not pressure him on this but it’s a challenge.

  • February 23, 2009 at 1:41 pm

    he’ll catch on to going on the potty you guys are doing a great job with monkey?


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