
Monkey will be 4 in May and is largely non-verbal.  We’ve been seeing lots of signs lately that expressive language is coming along (his receptive language has always been very strong) and we are very excited! 

Since he was born I’ve made it a habit to sing a bunch of different songs to him.  He’s been signing along to Itsy Bitsy Spider for quite a long time but recently I’ve been trying to get him to sing some songs WITH me. 

We’ve been practicing this first song a LOT over the last few weeks and he had started to join in without prompting last week.  Then he blew my socks off this weekend by singing along to the 2nd one unprompted.  I know it doesn’t seem like much but I really celebrate the little things!

Mom:  Winnie-the-_____
Monkey: Pooh!
Mom:  Winnie-the-______
Monkey: Pooh!
Mom:  Fuzzy little tummy all stuffed with fluff (tickle his belly)  He’s Winnie-the-____
Monkey:  Pooh!
Mom:  Winnie-the-______
Monkey:  Pooh!
Mom:  Silly, willy, nilly old ____
Monkey:  Bear!

You Are My Sunshine:
Mom:  You are my sunshine, my only sunshine!  You make me happy when skies are ___
Monkey:  Gray!
Mom:  You’ll never know dear, how much I love you!  Please don’t take my sunshine aaaa____
Monkey:  Way!

He’s really singing too which is so cute.  We get “beeaaarrrrr!”  and “waayyyyyyy” from him.   Now I just need to learn some songs with some of the other words he uses in them!

2 thoughts on “Singing!

  • February 20, 2008 at 7:08 am

    That is cute! We have always done that “fill in the blank” thing with our boys, too.


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