That IEP meeting last week.

I’ve been chewing over the information that was shared at the IEP meeting last week and trying to make some decisions.  Trying to pick a direction to move…it’s not easy being the grown-up sometimes (heh, please overlook the fact that I do not always exactly act “grown-up” and tend to throw hissy fits that put my 5 year old to shame…just for now.  ‘K, thanks.)

Two years ago we went to the same sort of meeting and we heard such amazingly, wonderful things about our special little nugget…only for everything to go straight to hell 3 months later.  It was a mixture of me hearing what I wanted and the teacher … really, I still don’t know what her motivation was.  But, hey, I’m being a grown-up today so…bygones. 

What I’m getting at is that, since that meeting, I’ve tried very hard to hear what the teacher and therapists are telling me…even when I am having to read between the lines at times.  So, please understand that the following is what I am fairly sure I heard at the meeting…but maybe I missed something between the lines…it happens.  Which is why people should just say what they mean and not try to dress up what we all know is a less than ideal situation…oops, was that preachy?  (and also hypocritical because we all know “less than ideal” is not exactly what I mean…sorry.)

So.  What I heard…

  1. He has met his OT goal of holding a pen in the proper tripod position for more than 5 minutes at a time.
  2. He has met his OT goal of cutting a straight line using “regular” scissors and has moved on to cutting out shapes (circles in particular, he has done this successfully one time but it was a very LARGE circle and not quite what they’re going for…babysteps.)
  3. Both of these are very important because it demonstrates that he is gaining significant strength in his hands (those loose FX ligaments are most troublesome in his fingers.)

  4. He has met his PT goal of throwing and catching a ball for whatever distance they’d set.  He’s now working on dribbling. 
  5. He has met his PT goal of moving through multi-step obstacle courses with support.  He’s working on doing it independently.
  6. His tumbling and jumping are better, he is now working on assisted sit-ups.
  7. His PT has also noted that his upper body strength has increase significantly.  He needs to be strong in his trunk before he can really focus on working his fingers as well as he should.

  8. He is able to sit at a table and work on an activity for more than 5 minutes, with support.  They’re now working on increasing his independence.
  9. He is able to sit at a table and work on a preferred activity for … well …forever pretty much.
  10. He follows the classroom routine with minimal support.  They’re now working on increasing his independence.
  11. His assistive tech device…VantageLite…is in process though there are some interesting issues regarding funding.  We’ll get it worked out but we may be needing our advocate to make a call or two.
  12. He loves his peers and will do things for or with another child that he will not do for or with a therapist.

Areas he needs to work on…

  1. Moving beyond a one step social interaction.  He will take a toy or give a toy but he won’t continue the play routine beyond that.  He will initiate a conversation with a classmate by greeting them or commenting on something the classmate is doing but won’t continue the conversation beyond that.
  2. Independence.  He still needs an adult to keep him on task.  He is, by their own estimation, cognitively and physically capable of performing all the classroom tasks but his mind wanders.  Especially if it’s a harder task.  He’d rather watch the other kids work than work on something that tires him physically or mentally.
  3. Eating.  He can and does eat…a lot.  But he needs to be reminded constantly to use a utensil, use a napkin, don’t overstuff.  This is a biggy because of the social ramifications of not being able to eat in a group in a socially acceptable way.  Kids notice.  Older kids will comment. 

We have finally gotten the go ahead to start Therapeutic Listening with him.  The TL Therapist and Monkey’s OT will introduce it in the classroom and pick a goal to work on.  If it works for him we’ll expand it to home and we’ll buy him his own equipment.  We may end up buying the equipment ANYWAY if they can’t locate it within the district.  It’s been almost a year since we asked about this…I’d like to get going!

We also asked about ADHD since we’ll be visiting the developmental pediatrician this week to continue the discussion from last fall.  They can’t tell if he “can’t” focus or “won’t.”  Which is fine, that’s the Dr’s job 🙂  Now hopefully he’ll have a magical answer for that and the sleep b/c OMG, the lack of sleep makes me crazy.  And I don’t need anymore crazy, thank you very much, am full up with it already.

2 thoughts on “That IEP meeting last week.

  • January 12, 2010 at 11:51 pm

    If they suggest clonidine, just say YES. =) Magic Happy Sleeping Pill

  • January 13, 2010 at 12:31 am

    That is the medication mentioned at the October visit. We need a Magic Happy Sleeping Pill!


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