Bee Bo!

Monkey has suddenly decided that The Belly Button Book by Sandra Boynton is his favorite book but he has very strict rules for how it is to be read.  First, Umma, Duhdee and Monkey all need to be present.  Duhdee needs to lay on his back on our bed with the book held over his head.   Monkey needs to lay on his back next to Duhdee.  Umma lays on her belly close enough to Monkey so that she can participate in the game.

Once we are all positioned, Duhdee begins to read and Monkey starts the game.  He will alternatively shake his head “no” and nod his head “yes” and Umma is expected to copy him.  He quickly dissolves into giggles and I’m not sure he’s listening to the story at all really except that he does notice if Duhdee stops reading.  I have no idea why it’s so amusing but his giggles are hard to resist.

So are his orders to “lay down!”

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