It turns out, I’m a sponge too.

I’ve started a ton of blog posts lately and they’ve all been relegated to the draft bin. I may finish them some day but I hope I never do. They’re depressing, maudlin pieces of garbage with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. They’re self-indulgent to the extreme. I feel so guilty and it’s all my fault and WAHHHHHHH! Someone slap me would you?

I really hate when I get into these moods. I gradually lose my ability to let negativity bounce off me and I have realized recently that, somewhere along the line, I started sucking it up and absorbing it and making it mine. And? I DO NOT WANT.

There are a couple ways to handle this, my normal withdrawal and hunker down until the mood passes or I can fight back. People who are having a bad day don’t want to hear that they’re dragging the hive mind down, they’ll just think I’m being an insenstive birch ((And, they’d be right!)). So, what to do?

If you haven’t made the connection yet, I’m one of the co-founders of that LINKS group over there on the left, the Fragile X LINKS Group of Eastern Massachusetts. What I’m going to do is plan a series of events to get my Fragile X peeps together…our first is a night out for parents and it is on March 5th. That is a full month away. Take a few hours off, you deserve them. Find a neighbor or friend or family member to sit with the kid(s).

If you’re in the area and have not already signed up for the mailing list, you should because I’ve got big plans for that group. The draft blog posts over there are much more fun than the ones here!

5 thoughts on “It turns out, I’m a sponge too.

  • February 1, 2011 at 10:59 am

    And Grrrrrrrr…. I soooo wanted a reason to slap you – but nooooo you turn it around all on your own 😉

  • February 1, 2011 at 11:02 am

    I’m a sponge of all things, that’s why I need to surround myself with good things…good friends, good dreams, good deeds and good wine!

  • February 1, 2011 at 1:37 pm

    I don’t think it’s bad to comment on your bad days. We all have them, and nobody thinks your life is all unicorns, ice cream cones, and rainbows! (it’s not, is it?) 😉

  • February 1, 2011 at 6:15 pm

    Definitely not, Bonnie! I tend to get the horn end of the unicorn when it appears 😉


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