I think maybe Sneak likes us too…

Last night was FXMNO. I rolled on through the door, exhausted, at 11 PM after having enjoyed not one but TWO Tom Bradys (Stoli Raz, Blueberry something and…other stuff plus a slice of lime) that were, sadly, not delivered by the man himself. I had also just made such a pathetic attempt at parallel parking that the neighbor, who was in my spot so he does not earn any brownie points with me, took pity on me and came out to move his car back into his garage. I’m not entirely sure it was pity or absolute terror that I was going to hit his beautiful BMW SUV. By the way he came running out, jacket half on and half flapping behind him in the wind while he waved his arms frantically over his head, I couldn’t really tell. *ahem*
Eric was snoring away, the kid and puppies were snug in their beds (I caught Eric snuggling the puppy, ha!) and I had to move the elf. I was sort of hoping he would have magically moved by the time I got home but, alas, it was not to be. I was stumped, Sneak wasn’t talking to me…it’s possible he was asleep too. Finally I pulled up the list of ideas I created in SEPTEMBER (yes, slightly insane!) and dismissed them all. Then, in between snores, Eric suggested this…
Well, not that exactly. It’s a bit messier than he had in mind, I’m sure, BUT in my defense elves *are* notoriously messy *and* the cleaners are coming tomorrow. So, it’s just a bigger tip and I think they will be amused. Heck, I might even get a toilet paper flower as a reward!
Regardless, Caleb was delighted which really puts that mess in the proper perspective.
Apparently he is feeling better.
May I present “Sneak, Gangnam Style!”
Last evening, I tried very hard to help Sneak set up his latest vision. Very hard of course means that I half-assed a few feet of track and then looked pathetic so Eric stepped in to rescue me. What? He’s a much better engineer than I am!
See?? He’s very good. It goes up onto the coffee table and then back down, it also loops under it. I did make the Lego tunnel, so I wasn’t completely useless!
Sneak somehow found his way into our room overnight and Caleb would not wake up when it was time for school. Sometime around 2 AM (so says our motion sensor) someone *cough*Caleb*cough* woke up, found the track and perhaps played with it. Sneak isn’t the only sneaky boy in this house!
I think tonight we might have a demonstration of why we try not to touch Sneak…even if he did come with vitamins this year.
Last night’s balloon madness was a hit after Caleb realized he hadn’t broken anything. Initially, when all the balloons fell, he shut his door quickly and jumped back into bed! I went in after him and all was good.
To celebrate the first sticking snow of winter, Sneak and I made a new friend. Meet Frostbite!
It will be worth it tomorrow when I can feel my hands again and Caleb’s face lights up seeing a “‘noman!” in his freezer.
Sneak must have been listening today as we talked about the fundraiser we are working on for the National Fragile X Foundation’s Annual Fund…
I’m so glad he thought of it! I can’t imagine a better use of all the change we had collected. Caleb is probably going to check his bank when he sees this (and steal the rest of that loose change) but no worries, Sneak didn’t touch much of that…he might have borrowed a little to round out that last roll. Shh!
If you happen to have some spare change laying around, please consider joining us and Sneak in supporting the foundation! It’s tax deductible!